Monday, April 9, 2007

New Measurements

Today's Measurements

Bust - 36.5
Rib cage - 29 (plus 0.5)
Waist - 25
Abs - 33.75 (plus 0.75)
Hips - 38.75 (plus 0.25)
Right Up - 22
Left Up - 22
Right Lo - 15.5 (plus 0.75)
Left Lo - 15.5 (plus 0.5)
Right Calf - 12.75 (plus 0.25)
Left Calf - 12.5
Right Arm - 10
Left Arm - 10

February 2007 Measurements

Bust - 36.5
Rib cage - 28.5
Waist - 25
Abs - 33
Hips - 38.5
Right Up - 22
Left Up - 22
Right Lo - 14.75
Left Lo - 15
Right Calf - 12.5
Left Calf - 12.5
Right Arm - 10
Left Arm - 10

In approximately 2 months I've gained 3 inches! Since starting this last BC I know that I've gotten smaller in my abs and hips. I measured those target areas in between the last measurements and today. I can visually see that my hip pad area has gone down. It no longer buldges over my jeans. These results are more of a wake up call than anything. I just need to keep doing what I'm doing. I should take some body photos now, but my camera is broken.

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