- Lost an inch above bust - tightening pecks!
- Lost an inch below bust - yay for lat activation!
- Lost a half inch in abs - awesome.
- Lost a quarter inch in hips - fabulous!
- Gained three quarters inch in waist - uh oh, lay off the bacon.
- Gained a quarter inch in upper right thigh - might be my stance.
- Gained a quarter inch in lower right thigh - not concerned.
- Gained a half inch in lower left thigh - not concerned.
- Gained a half inch in right calf - not concerned.
Total loss: 2.75
Total gain: 2
Total change: -0.75
I'm honestly really happy with my body from the abs up. My legs are looking stronger and are much firmer. I could still use some more tightening and toning in my hips and upper thigh area... the life story of a Long Torso/Short Leg body type.
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