Wednesday, February 7, 2007

New Measurements

Today's Measurements

Bust - 36.5
Rib cage - 28.5
Waist - 25
Abs - 33
Hips - 38.5
Right Up - 22
Left Up - 22
Right Lo - 14.75
Left Lo - 15
Right Calf - 12.5
Left Calf - 12.5
Right Arm - 10
Left Arm - 10

January 14th Measurements

Bust - 36.5
Rib cage - 29
Waist - 25.5
Abs - 33
Hips - 38.5
Right Up - 22.25
Left Up - 22
Right Lo - 15.25
Left Lo - 15.25
Right Calf - 12.5
Left Calf - 12.5
Right Arm - 10
Left Arm - 10

My Results... 2 inches lost, no gains.

I lost 0.5 inch in my rib cage (bra line), 0.5 in my waist, 0.25 in my right upper thigh, 0.5 in my right lower thigh, and 0.25 in my left lower thigh.

At least I'm losing some inches. It's so hard to notice a quarter or half an inch lost in an area. I still feel about the same, but now I can fit into most size 7s.

My Goal... to lose 2 inches off my HIPS and 2 off of my upper THIGHS.

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