Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BiG: Believe in Green

August 15 was International Green Smoothie Day!  Who knew?!  Tera from The Raw Divas told me about it.  She does some fantastic work!  Such as the W.I.S.H. Summit back in March of this year.  I really enjoyed listening to all of the experts talk during that summit, so when Tera sent me an email about her latest endeavor Believe in Green I immediately signed up for the offer!

Believe in Green is a project funded by people like me, who donate $10 to participate in this fantastic cause.  I can think of a bunch of things we spend $10 on all the time, but why not use that money to help you and others get healthier?  Plus, 100% of the money donated for this event will go to support the Lower East Side Girls' Club and their health and nutrition program.

Once you sign up you get access to 10 days of green smoothies via email and 10 AMAZING interviews with:

Kris Carr
Julia Butterfly Hil
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkin
Majora Carter
Angela Stokes-Monarch
Ani Phyo
Anthony Anderson
Victoria Boutenko,
Robyn Openshaw
and Renee Loux!

I'm not trying to push a sale or anything (I get no benefit, personal or monetary, from telling you about it) -- just trying to make you aware of this amazing offer.  Plus I think everyone should try green smoothies!

So far I'm enjoying the Green Smoothie Challenge. Plan on getting some more organic produce to experiment will all of these new and exciting recipes Tera keeps sending out!

Be Green!

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