Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, Monday

Brush AM: yes


Alfalfa (6 caps): 3
Cellfood (8 drops/3x): 4 drops
Water (8 glasses, 8 ounces each): 1 liter


7:50am: Kashi Vive Cereal with 1/2 banana and 1% organic milk
1:00pm: Panera Fuji Apple Chicken salad (no dressing), Starbucks grande nonfat vanilla latte
7:10pm: turkey burger (ground turkey, seasoning, mayo/spicy mustard, spinach, Marty roll)


Went to the chiropractor this morning before work. My massage therapist feels that my body is responding well to the treatments. She says I have "healthy tissue". The adjustment was a bit off because my neck muscles we still not releasing the axis. Apparently that's out and I also have a rib that's giving me trouble now (also why I could not breathe last night). Still supposed to ice, ice, ice!

Still feeling pretty bad. Think I over did it this weekend (too much walking and not enough resting). This coming weekend I'm going to be a couch potato. Clothes are already feeling tighter on the lower body (a real downer). At least I'm starting to body brush again!

Not allowed to workout for about 3 more weeks! It's killing me. I want to do Hoe Downs so bad... and can't even stretch yet. I will be working with a trainer to exercise when the doctor thinks I'm ready. All I can do is walk (using T-Tapp techniques at least).

Made more appointments today:

Monday, March 30th: 4:00pm (no massage today)
Wednesday, April 1st: 4:00pm
Friday, April 3rd: 4:00pm

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