Monday, November 16, 2009

Cooking Up a Storm

This morning I did Tempo 2 - 8 reps customized (PBS through Runner's Stretch + Step Lift + Lawnmowers) and body brushed. Then I made brekkie...

8:00am: oatmeal and coffee with original Almond Breeze/sugar

Forgot my bag of vitamins at home today! Bummer.

12:15pm: leftovers from Arigato's and chili

Not very exciting, I know.

2:00pm: Starbucks iced grande nonfat vanilla latte

How many words does it take to make your Starbucks drink?

In a home cooking kind of mood tonight! Marcel's helping me out in the kitchen. that!

7:20pm: Zucchini Crab Cakes with a large salad, baked sweet potato fries and a glass of Slydog Cab

That was an amazing meal! Read my recipe review of the Zucchini Crab Cakes and get the Baked Sweet Potato Fries recipe too.

10:30pm: bowl of Fruit Loops with original Almond Breeze

Cheers to a delicious evening at home.

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