Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stuffed Pepper Remix

I'm a bit tired this morning, but feeling better overall. My body is not nearly as stiff as it was yesterday. I woke up earlier than normal (try 6:30am) to get in a workout this morning... I did the entire Tempo 2 - 8 reps! That's my "Total Workout" for this week, although I will probably do another full workout on Thursday with standing and floor work combined.

For T'appy Holidays exercise this week I still need to do...
  • One more Basic Workout
  • 30 minutes floor work for the core
  • Three 30-minute free choice sessions

My favorite floor combo includes Organs in Place/Half Frogs, T-Tapp-style Crunches, Oblique Sit-ups, Organs in Place, Awesome Legs, Organs in Place/Half Frogs, Bridge Work, Pretzel Twist and Diva Derriere (about an 18-20 minute routine) or Lani's Torso Trimmer...

  1. Awesome Legs
  2. Organs In Place with 8 Half Frogs
  3. Diva Derriere on one side
  4. Pretzel Twist on the same side
  5. Organs In Place with 8 tucks
  6. Repeat Diva Derriere and Pretzel Twist on the other side
  7. Finish with Organs In Place with 8 Half Frogs
This little sequence is not just for the torso! It sculpts the thighs, hips, buns and tummy. Burn baby, burn... and while you're burning keep your eyes on the prize. Imagine how great you'll look and feel afterward.

8:00am: Gusto Brekkie - 2 scrambled eggs with chopped veggies (onion, red pepper, zucchini) and slice of Ezekiel toast (dry), Green Monster (1/2 banana, cup of spinach, 1 Tbsp organic flax, 1 cup original Almond Breeze, ice)

Breakfast counted as 2 servings of veggies: 1 cup of chopped veggies + 1 cup of fresh spinach.

I did my body brushing and got ready for the day.

It's 11am and I'm already hungry! I ate so much this morning too... of healthy stuff. Maybe I just need more water. Chugging my H20...

Morning Supplements:
Alfalfa: 3 caps
Priority Women's Complete Multi: 2 caps

12:45pm: salad (mixed greens, romaine, tomato, cucumber, onion, olives, pumpkin seeds, black beans, carrots)

I ate every last bite!

Afternoon Supplements:
Alfalfa: 3 caps
Cellfood: 4 drops
Gentle Transition: 4 caps
Priority Women's Complete Multi: 2 caps

2:05pm: boiled egg with sea salt

5:10pm: latte with sugar

7:45pm: Stuffed Pepper Remix, Cous Cous Tabouleh, Sweet Potato Fries, lemon water (not pictured)

For my Stuffed Pepper Remix I took what was leftover from last night's dinner and mixed in a can of organic chickpeas, fresh onion, tomatoes and spinach.

The Cous Cous Tabouleh has Italian parsley, fresh tomato, onion, garlic, EVOO, pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, sea salt and garlic pepper.

Tonight was my first time ever attempting Sweet Potato Fries. Way too much olive oil and cooked for a bit too long. I'm great at burning food. These tasty babies had sea salt and cinnamon sprinkled on time. Next time will be better -- less cooking time, no salt, more cinnamon and larger sized fries.

8:30pm: the last oatmeal coconut cookie

I froze a baker's dozen for another day.

After dinner and dessert I did 2 sets of Hoe Downs and took a 10 minute brisk walk with puppy. As promised one cookie for a few sets of Hoe Downs!

Evening Supplements:
Alfalfa: 3 caps
Natural Calm - Raspberry Lemon: 2 tsp
Priority Women's Complete Multi: 2 caps

Off to enjoy the rest of my evening. Good night!

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