Saturday, March 20, 2010

Benefits of Face Brushing

You've heard me talk about Body Brushing and all the wonderful health and beauty benefits that come along with it, but what about Face Brushing? Yes, you can brush your face and neck and get the same type of benefits as body brushing delivers!

Facial brushing helps remove dead skin, smooth and stimulates circulation. By stimulating the circulation in your face, your skin tone will improve and help firm the skin. Your skin will become softer and smoother! It's a fabulous way to spoil yourself during your daily facial cleaning routine. Every time you brush – it's like a mini facial massage!

In order to do the face brushing sequence you will want to purchase a small natural bristle brush. Unfortunately, T-Tapp does not sell this type of brush (yet). I found mine at a local Bath & Body store years ago for about $10.00.

Here's one I found on for $8.99: New England/Earthline - Natural Bristle Face Brush

The important thing to look for when selecting the appropriate face brush are natural plant fiber bristles. Do not use the type with plastic bristles because it will not have the same affect and could scratch your skin.

Teresa Tapp has created a special Face Brushing Sequence that has been proven to be effective. There are 6 simple steps to this special sequence and it feels amazing.

And now what you've been waiting for... the Face Brushing Sequence as seen on the T-Tapp Forums:

Face Brushing Sequence
  1. Neck: brush upwards on the neck several times.
  2. Jaw line: starting at the chin, brush out in circular motions towards ear on both sides of your jaw.
  3. Cheekbones: brush out in circular motions towards ear.
  4. Forehead: start in middle of forehead and brush up and out on each side towards temple.
  5. Nose: small circular movements over the nose.
  6. Under eyes: tiny, light circular motions from outer eye in towards the nose (not out towards ear).

Simple as that! It will take less than 5 minutes for you to complete this little routine and you can do it daily for best results.

I just started face brushing again this week after hearing several health experts speak about it at the W.I.S.H. Summit (Women's International Summit for Health) .

If you have questions about this post, please email me at or leave a comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you know the New England/Earthline - Natural Bristle Face Brush is goats hair like the Bodecare brand?
Their website doesn't specify.