Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello April

{ hello april by kitty genuis }

It is a gorgeous day!!! And I'm stuck inside. Can't wait for the weekend... I wanna lay out in the sun at the park again.

Skipped my workout this morning. Last night my mom called to tell me that my grandfather is in the hospital. Apparently he was trying to cross a street walking his bike when a motorcycle hit him. He got a pretty bad head injury and went right to the hospital. He's living on the other coast of Florida past Orlando. A bunch of my family members are heading over today and I might try to drive over this weekend to spend some time with him.

At any rate, I had trouble sleeping last night. Got in bed by 10pm, but couldn't fall asleep and kept waking up all night. This morning I overslept and didn't have time for an hour long workout, so I'm saving it for tonight.



Banana PB Green Monster.


Lemon Pepper Rotisserie Chicken Salad with a little ranch and lemon juice.


Alfalfa: 3 caps
B-12 Plus: 4 sprays
Emergen-C: 1 packet
nutraMetrix® Glucosatrin Bone & Joint Formula: 1 cap
Pyruvyl Glycine: 4 sprays
Vitamin D3: 4 sprays

Water intake: 1 liter

Au revoir!


clairerose77 said...

I'm sorry about your Grandfather.I'll say some prayers.On a happier note,Yay for April!!I'm stuck inside,too.The day is almost over!!cc

Casey Leigh said...

Thank you Claire! I appreciate your comments.

Yay for April is right! It's beautiful outside.