Thursday, February 18, 2010

Morning Workouts

Morning workouts are always challenging for me because I'm not a morning person. Last year I did a 10-day Night Owl to Early Bird Challenge that was somewhat successful - just bad timing right around daylight savings. Oops! My body doesn't like to move first thing, but when I can knock out a killer workout before starting my day I feel better and more energized all day long.


Tempo 2 + body brushing.

I did pretty well again with Tempo 2 this morning. Balance Sequence and Thread the Needle were harder today. Actually got up with enough time to complete my morning workout, but ended up being just a few minutes late to the office. Need to get up about 15-25 minutes earlier next time.

2 sets of Hoe Downs after lunch.

Food Log


2 Scrambled Eggs, Fresh Tomato and Spinach, 2 Slices of Extra Sharp Cheddar.


Organic Baby Gala Apple.


Ban Thai Coconut Chicken Soup.


Alfalfa: 4 caps
B-12 Plus: 4 sprays
Cellfood: 8 drops
Jus: 1 ounce
nutraMetrix® Isotonix® Calcium Complete: 1 serving
nutraMetrix® Glucosatrin® Bone & Joint Formula: 2 caps

Water intake: 1 liter

I'm looking forward to opening a special bottle of wine tonight in honor of National Drink Wine Day.

Until tonight!

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